International Conferences
1. Dediu A. V., Furdui B., Ghinea I. O.,
Bahrim G., Dinica R. M., „Insight sur la cytoxicité possible des
composés N-hétérocycliques obtenues par des méthodes «vertes»”, Journées
Scientifiques du Médicament, Epigenetic: Toward New Therapeutic Targets,
June 1st 2017, Grenoble, France
2. Patriche S., Thomas A., Furdui B., Ghinea
I. O., Baussanne I., Demeunynck M., Dinică R. M., „Searching for a
N-heterocyclic lead compound - Docking on biomolecules”, 4ème Colloque
Franco-Roumain de Chimie Médicinale, October 5-7th 2017, Iași,
1. Larosa C., Tsen Yung C., Lunven L., Furdui
B., Dinica R., Baussanne I., Demeunynck M., Chierici S., „In search of
probes or inhibitors of amyloid fibers: synthetic peptide fragments as
fibers models”, Chimia 2018 - New Trends in Applied Chemistry, May 24-26th,
2018, Constanta, Romania
2. Dediu A.-V., Furdui B., Dinică R. M.,
Iodine-Promoted Synthesis of Aroylbisindolizines from N-Phenacyl
Pyridinium Salts and Activated Alkines, International Symposium on
Catalysis and Specialty Chemicals, 1-3th October,
2018,Tlemcen, Algeria